What’s New in the Core Framework: 3.9.0

Post Authored by Gareth Bowen, Director of Technology

Medic is excited to announce the latest release of the Community Health Toolkit (CHT) with new integrations, new workflows, and over 80 individual improvements.

DHIS2 integration

The CHT now supports calculating and exporting data for integration with DHIS2, an open-source Health Management Information System (HMIS) used in 67 low and middle-income countries. The Core Framework can now be configured to calculate DHIS2 dataValues, aggregate patient-level data, view aggregate data offline, and export the aggregate data formatted for DHIS2. The data is also available via an API so you can access it from an interoperability layer such as OpenHIM. With this integration, we hope to drastically reduce the effort in fulfilling reporting requirements while increasing the accuracy and timeliness of data submission. 

RapidPro integration

Interactive, structured messaging for health triage and clinical referrals is now possible with the integration of RapidPro. This opens new opportunities for a semi-automated, direct to patient approach to health assessments and care coordination at the community level. The Outbound Push feature has been extended to support submitting data to RapidPro so you can trigger workflows based on changes in the CouchDB database.

To learn more about these integrations, check out the documentation.  

Supervise target progress

The Targets tab can now be configured to be aggregated and synced providing supervisors important insights and actionable information into the progress of health workers within their community unit. These new “aggregate” targets show an overview of all health workers’ progress within their branch and can be selected to show each worker’s progress individually.

Read the feature overview and the technical documentation to see how to configure this new aggregated target.

Case management workflows

For case reports that aren’t patient or place centric, you can now register a case with a generated case_id shortcode or assign a report to a facility. This allows subsequent reports to identify which case they refer to and contain key actions to take when reports about cases are received.  Learn more about configuring the accept_case_reports transition in the CHT documentation.

Instance monitoring

A new API has been added to allow tracking of a range of metrics in the CHT platform to make monitoring, alerting, and debugging of your instance easier.

And more! 

To learn more about all 80 features, improvements, and bug fixes released in 3.9.0, check out the release notes. To stay up to date and follow along on our progress, keep an eye on the product roadmap, and join the conversation in the CHT Online Forum.

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